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Since 2000, ANTER Ltd. has participated in European Research projects within the Leonardo da Vinci, the FP5, the FP6, the FP7 and the Horizon 2020 Research Programmes.

These projects are:

EU Horizon 2020 NMBP Project “LOCOMATECH” (2016)
(Project No: H2020-NMBP-723517)
Project full title: Low Cost Materials Processing Technologies for Mass Production of Lightweight Vehicles.
Project Web site:

EU FP7 NMP Project “LOCOLITE” (2013)
(Project No: NMP - 604240)
Project full title: An industry system enabling the use of a patented materials processing technology for Low Cost forming of Lightweight structures for transportation industries.

EU FP7 NMP Project “POLYTUBES” (2009)
(Project No: NMP2-SE-2009-229266)
Project full title: A Process Chain and Equipment for Volume Production of Polymeric Micro-tubular Components for Medical and Non-medical Device Applications.
Project Web site:

EU FP6 NMP Integrated Project “MASMICRO” (2004)
(Project No: NMP2-CT-2004-500095)
Project full title: Integration of manufacturing systems for mass-manufacture of miniature/micro-products.

EU FP5 IST project “USHER” (2000)
(Project No: FP5-IST-1999-20727).
Project full title: Unified Support and Help for E-commerce enterprises through assisting Regional Development Agencies.
Project Web site:

EU Leonardo da Vinci project (2000)
(Project No: EL/99/2/07120/PI/II.1.1.a.FPI).
Project full title: Improving Training through Benchmarking.
Project Web site:

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